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Thursday, May 9, 2024

Surge in Whooping Cough Cases: Five Infant Fatalities Recorded

 Tragic News: Five Infant Deaths Linked to Whooping Cough Amid Rising Cases

Surge in Whooping Cough Cases: Five Infant Fatalities Recorded

Health officials in England have disclosed that five infants have succumbed to whooping cough, as instances of the disease continue to climb. The UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA) reported 1,319 cases in England for March, a notable increase from just over 900 in February, bringing the total for 2024 to nearly 2,800 cases.

Concerns are mounting that this year could witness a significant surge in the bacterial infection. The last peak year, 2016, recorded 5,949 cases in England. Given its severity, especially among babies and infants, the infection poses a critical threat.

Of the cases documented thus far this year, half have affected individuals under the age of 15, with the highest rates observed in infants under three months old."

"All five infants who tragically passed away this year were under three months old.These are the first fatalities reported since 2019.

Surge in Whooping Cough Cases: Five Infant Fatalities Recorded

Pertussis, commonly known as the "100-day cough," follows a cyclical pattern, with peaks occurring every three to five years.

The UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA) attributes the recent rise in cases to a steady decline in vaccine uptake among pregnant women and children. Additionally, the low numbers observed during the pandemic, due to restrictions and changes in public behavior, have contributed to the resurgence of infections.As a result, the agency emphasizes that a peak year was inevitable and urges families who have not yet done so to seek vaccination."

What is whooping cough?

  • Initially, symptoms resemble those of a common cold, including a runny nose and sore throat.
  • After approximately a week, the illness progresses to frequent coughing fits lasting several minutes, often exacerbated during nighttime.
  • Infants may exhibit a distinctive "whoop" sound or experience breathing difficulties following a coughing episode.
  • The bacteria responsible for whooping cough spreads through coughs and sneezes.
  • While individuals of all ages are susceptible, it poses the greatest risk to young children and infants.
  • Pregnant women are offered vaccination to safeguard their newborns during the early months of life. Additionally, it is part of the routine six-in-one vaccine administered to children before age two. Unvaccinated children can receive the jab until the age of ten.
  • Although immunity wanes over time, adolescents and adults can still contract the infection, albeit typically experiencing milder symptoms.

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