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Wednesday, May 8, 2024

Dallas Stars' community outreach programs extend their reach to children in Mexico City.

During the postseason, Al Montoya, the Dallas Stars' Vice President of Cultural Growth and Strategy and the NHL's first Cuban-American player, emphasizes the community's triumph. 

Dallas Stars' community outreach programs extend their reach to children in Mexico City.

His dedication extends globally, fostering hockey's growth among underrepresented groups. "Recently, we visited Mexico City, with plans for return trips," Montoya shared. "It's a crucial opportunity to showcase our efforts and convey our message."

That message is simple: hockey is inclusive. Their initiative aims to reach children who lack exposure to the sport."We've initiated a Learn to Play program, spanning six weeks for kids aged four to ten in Mexico City," Montoya explained. "Starting in April, they'll graduate in May, getting a taste of the game we cherish."

Fifty children participate, supported by the NHL.

Locally, Montoya collaborates with the Boys & Girls Club of Greater Dallas on the Future Stars initiative. This program, expanding from two to nine locations in 2024, introduces hockey to schools and facilities across the region. These initiatives provide support and equipment for weekly youth hockey sessions in underserved communities.

The Dallas Stars team recognizes the significant impact of the Stanley Cup Playoffs on fan engagement and community involvement. The heightened attention has notably boosted the fundraising endeavors of the 50/50 raffle during home games. Fifty percent of the raised jackpot proceeds contribute to the Dallas Stars Foundation, supporting various initiatives like Youth Hockey, Community Engagement, and Health and Education programs, enriching the lives of North Texans.

Dallas Stars' community outreach programs extend their reach to children in Mexico City.

Currently, the Dallas Stars are competing in the second round of the Stanley Cup Playoffs against the Colorado Avalanche.

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